When it comes to concentrating on your general well-being, little adjustments to your diet that are healthy may help you achieve success. Here are twenty research-backed suggestions that are easy to implement.
When it comes to supporting your overall well-being, it is imperative that you incorporate good eating habits into your daily routine. The reality is that even very small adjustments and substitutions may have a significant impact on one's health, despite the fact that fashionable diets and lifestyle overhauls are all the rage everywhere.
I am a registered dietitian, and when clients wish to eat more healthfully, I rely on some general guidelines for healthy eating that I have compiled over the years. All of my suggestions are easy to implement, and they do not require the use of juice cleanses or costly supplements in order to be successful.
It is my usual recommendation that individuals choose two or three suggestions to get their healthy eating journey off to a good start. This will make the process of applying changes to healthy eating habits more sustainable. You will be able to add more after you have mastered a few tips.
Check out this list of twenty simple changes to your eating habits that dietitians recommend, as they can significantly impact your ability to make long-term healthy changes.
1. Avoid beverages that include added sugars
Many beverages that seem to be suitable for consumption, such as fruit punch and sports drinks, actually contain added sugars. In 2024, the journal BMC Psychiatry published a review study that linked excessive consumption of added sugars to various negative effects such as chronic inflammation, obesity, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and even melancholy.The Dietary Guidelines for Americans for the years 2020–2025 recommend that individuals limit their added sugar consumption to less than ten percent of their total calorie intake. For a diet consisting of 2,000 calories, this equates to around 12 tablespoons of the sweet stuff. However, the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention report that Americans consume an average of 17 teaspoons of added sugar, significantly exceeding the recommended limit.
If you replace beverages that contain added sugars, such as regular soda, sweet tea, sports drinks, fruit punch, lemonade, and fruit "drinks," with beverages that do not contain any added sugars, such as water, seltzer water, unsweetened coffee or tea, and even 100% fruit juice in moderation, you can provide your body with the hydration it requires without consuming any additional sugars.
2. Fermented foods should be a part of your diet
In addition to having a delicious flavour, fermented foods such as kimchi, sauerkraut, and other similar foods provide the body with living bacteria, which are beneficial to our general health in a variety of different ways. In order to provide your body with a boost of probiotics, you should begin your day with plain yoghurt, have a bowl of miso soup for supper, or drink kombucha in the middle of the day for some fermented goodness.
3. Consume mercury-low, non-fried fish once a week
Despite the fact that the Dietary Guidelines for Americans for the years 2020–2025 recommend that the majority of Americans consume at least 8 ounces of fish on a weekly basis, the vast majority of individuals are falling well short of this recommendation. Fish, particularly oily fish like salmon, are an abundant source of a wide variety of essential nutrients that are beneficial to human health. These nutrients include DHA, omega-3 fatty acids, selenium, vitamin B12, and a whole host of others.
Furthermore, a 2022 Food Chemistry study linked eating fish to a variety of potential health benefits, including a lower risk of cardiovascular disease.
4. Switch your meat from highly processed to those that are more fresh
Highly processed meats like lunch meats, bacon, and sausage are not only convenient but also quite appetising. According to a paper that was published in Antioxidants (Basel) in 2020, these meat options may also include a high concentration of nitrates, which are additives that, when cooked, might form substances that have the potential to cause cancer. There is a significant amount of salt in several of these meat alternative options.
Having said that, you should choose a deli counter that offers less salty and nitrate-free deli meats. Alternately, you may use fresh cuts of meat such as turkey, chicken, and beef, which are naturally lower in salt and nitrates and can be just as enjoyable to eat. You can also use these meat cuts to make healthy sandwich fillings.
5. Consume a glass of milk on a daily basis
People of all ages may enjoy milk. Milk is a basic meal that is the ideal complement to chocolate chip cookies. It contains thirteen key elements, including calcium, magnesium, and protein, all of which are components that contribute to the development of strong bones. Milk is a beverage that is rich in nutrients; nevertheless, the majority of individuals do not consume even a single glass of milk on a daily basis. Try lactose-free milk or A2 milk to see whether these alternatives are helpful if you have a tendency for yogurt to irritate your digestive tract.
6. Include some fruit with your snack at midday
According to the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), just around 12% of people in the United States consume the required quantity of fruit, and only 10% consume the necessary portions of vegetables on a daily basis. In addition, considering that a reduced consumption of fruit is associated with outcomes such as an increased risk of some malignancies, heart disease, and stroke, it is a prudent decision to sneak in some fruit on a daily basis.
If you find yourself experiencing a slump around three o'clock in the afternoon, rather than going for sweet candies or beverages that are high in caffeine, including fruit in your balanced snack may provide you with lasting energy as well as certain nutrients that boost your energy levels. It is possible to give your snack some lasting power by combining a portion of fruit with some protein. This will allow you to feel content and steer clear of a potential sugar crash that may occur quickly after eating.
Remember that dried fruit, freeze-dried fruit, frozen fruit, and canned fruit are all healthy alternatives, provided that they do not contain any added sugar or salt. If you do not have access to fresh fruit, you should know that these options are still nutritious. There are an infinite number of fruit options available, ranging from freeze-dried blueberries to dried mango slices.
7. Include more vegetables in the dishes you prepare
Vegetables are one of the best sources of fiber. Fibre is a vitamin that may help keep your body healthy by maintaining intestinal health and perhaps lowering the chance of getting certain malignancies. Vegetables are one of the best sources of fibre. Furthermore, a large number of vegetables are low in calories and may contribute to improving the flavor and satisfaction of meals.
When you include veggies in your cuisine, it does not imply that you have to have salad every single day of the week. It is possible to give your foods a nutritious boost in a simple manner by adding more broccoli to your stir-fry, a handful of spinach to your soup, or chopped bell pepper to your scrambled eggs.
8. Refrain from eating while you watch television
You should take pleasure in the food you prepare. Watching television while eating increases the risk of distraction, resulting in higher calorie intake and decreased satisfaction.
Rather than eating alone, you should eat with your family and friends. If you eat with other people, you may even have positive effects on your health. If you can't eat with others, ensure that the television or any other electronic device doesn't distract you during your meal. When there are no distractions present, it is possible to eat thoughtfully, which means that you can pay attention to the signals that your body sends you when it has had enough to eat.
9. Choose canned foods that do not contain BPA
Cans of foods such as tuna, tomatoes, and beans are examples of items that are not only handy but also easy to include in a healthy diet. Therefore, if the cans containing your food contain BPA, a chemical that aids in metal corrosion prevention, you might not be eating as healthily as you think.
Exposure to bisphenol A (BPA) has been associated with malignancies, disruptions in the endocrine system, and decreased immunological function, as stated in a study that was published in Frontiers in Nutrition in the year 2020. However, there are still many unresolved concerns regarding the metabolism of BPA and its hazardous consequences.
The majority of can manufacturers in the United States have voluntarily eliminated BPA from their products; nonetheless, there is a fear that comparable alternative materials may also entail dangers. The current amount of research is insufficient to draw any conclusions about the safety of these alternatives. Ultimately, if you are concerned about these materials, opt for foods stored in glass or aseptic paper boxes.
10. Make a meal plan now
People may assist themselves in eating a healthy diet by planning their meals in advance, which also helps them avoid the stress of having to figure out what they will eat at the last minute. Taking the effort to plan out your meals for the week will make it easier for you to go through the process of maintaining a balanced diet. To plan your meals, you must first decide what you will eat for each meal during the week. Create a shopping list for yourself and have all of the items ready so that you can have easy dinners throughout the week.
11. Refrain from consuming the same foods again and again
Variety is essential for maintaining a healthy diet. Consuming a broad range of meals will provide your body with a variety of nutrients and may aid in the prevention of nutritional deficiencies. Furthermore, there are additional benefits to eating a wide variety of meals. For instance, a 2022 publication in the journal Nutrients reveals that consuming a wide range of nutritious foods may lower the likelihood of developing metabolic syndrome.
Many dietitians recommend "eating the rainbow," which involves consuming foods that naturally include a broad range of colours throughout the week. The nutritional profile of each kind of purple cabbage, orange carrots, red radishes, and green spinach is distinct from that of the other varieties. All of these vegetables are beneficial to your health. In addition to providing your body with a variety of essential nutrients on a daily basis, rotating your meals serves the purpose of adding some excitement to your plate. Furthermore, despite the absence of the color white in the rainbow, it's crucial to incorporate white fruits and vegetables like potatoes and cauliflower into your diet, as they also hold essential elements.
12. Get your vegetables ready
Following your shopping trip, you should prepare your vegetables before putting them in the refrigerator. Do this before you store your purchases. Having chopped onions and sliced cucumbers on hand simplifies the addition of health-promoting vegetables to your meals or grab-and-go snacks.
13. Refrain from drinking diet soda
Given that diet soda does not include any calories, it is reasonable to conclude that drinking it is a healthy decision. This is because diet soda tastes sweet without containing any calories. To our surprise, however, it turns out that drinking Coke is not as healthy of a decision as we had previously believed it to be, or as certain advertising may lead you to think.
For instance, a 2019 Circulation study found a link between drinking the bubbly, sweet-tasting soda and an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. In 2023, the journal Cureus published a review that found connections between frequent consumption of diet soda and a variety of conditions. These conditions include poor mental health, delays in the development of child nerves, worsening retinopathy in diabetics, incidental end-stage kidney disease, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and multiple myeloma in men, rheumatoid arthritis in women, hip fractures, dental erosion, increases in breath alcohol concentration when used in alcoholic beverages, and accelerated cell ageing. Here are a number of reasons why you should monitor how much artificial sweetener you consume!
14. Restrict your intake of fried foods
Nothing compares to the taste of perfectly cooked fried chicken or French fries. However, studies have linked excessive consumption of fried meals to a variety of unsavoury health effects. In addition, it may have an effect on your mental health. The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences published research in 2023 that found consumers who often consumed fried meals had a 12% greater risk of anxiety and a 7% increased risk of depression.
According to research published in 2021 in the journal BMJ Heart, consuming fried meals on a regular basis increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. Furthermore, the link between the two is linear, which means that your risk of illness grows the more fried foods you consume.
Instead of air-frying or baking your foods, you may elect to air-fry them or bake them to get that wonderful crisp without the additional calories and fat.
15. Mocktails should be substituted for cocktails
According to the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), drinking alcohol may raise the chance of developing some forms of cancer. Going without a drink in the evening, on the other hand, might be a significant life adjustment for some individuals. One strategy to reduce or eliminate alcohol consumption while still enjoying the ritual of sipping on a great beverage is to have a mocktail rather than a cocktail. This is one technique to manage alcohol consumption.
16. Choose beef cuts that are less fat
Beef enthusiasts can incorporate it into a nutritious diet with great joy. It is a natural source of a wide variety of essential minerals, including zinc, iron, and protein-rich foods. Even though there are cuts of beef with a higher percentage of saturated fat, there are other cuts of beef that are lower in saturated fat, such as flank steak, that are totally acceptable to have in a healthy diet.
17.Use beans as a source of protein in your diet
Beans, also known as legumes, are often considered to be among the most beneficial foods to include in a healthy diet for a variety of reasons, regardless of whether you are a carnivore or a staunch vegan. They offer a plant-based protein source that is affordable, versatile, and tasty. In 2021, the journal Nutrients published research revealing that beans naturally contain fiber, polyphenols, powerful antioxidants, and resistant starch. All of these components correlate to a decreased risk for type 2 diabetes and heart disease.
18. Consume a breakfast meal
Everyone knows that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. In addition, research sheds insight on the specific reasons why this is the case. The constant consumption of breakfast is associated with a higher intake of a variety of nutrients, including folate, calcium, and iron, as shown by research that was published in the Proceedings of the Nutrition Society in 2021.
In addition, the findings of this research indicate that those who do not have breakfast had a tendency to consume considerably more calories, carbs, total fat, saturated fat, and added sugars at lunch, dinner, and snacks than those who do take breakfast.
19. Include some of your favorite delicacies
While it is true that you should not consume a dozen doughnuts or a gallon of ice cream on a daily basis if you want to live a better lifestyle and live longer, it is also true that if you give up your favourite foods, you may end up overindulging in them in the long term.
Give yourself permission to consume meals that you like in order to help you feel fulfilled and stay on track. Even eating dessert on a daily basis is not a bad idea!
20. Instead of salt, use herbs and spices in your cooking
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) reports that the average daily intake of salt in the United States is around 3,400 milligrammes, despite the fact that the Dietary Guidelines indicate a limit of less than 2,300 milligrammes per day. Consuming an excessive amount of salt on a daily basis may increase the likelihood of developing hypertension.
One effective way to reduce your sodium intake is to simply limit the amount of salt you add to your foods. This is because just one teaspoon of table salt contains more than 2,000 milligrammes of sodium. If you are trying to reduce the amount of salt that you consume, you should consider adding tasty ingredients such as herbs and spices that do not contain sodium but have a powerful flavor punch.